
Viewing posts by Mike Fernandez

See You at FMBA

Looking Forward To Seeing Our Friends At The Annual Florida Monument Builders Association Convention

Free Pre-Cut Stencil Offer

If you do your own sandblasting give the Online Monument Designer a free trial for 30 days, create a monument, and send it to our studio at to be cut and delivered to you free of charge.

How Memorial Day Got Its Start

As you would expect, there was much healing for our nation to do at the end of the war between the Confederate States and United States. In fact, Confederate soldiers' grave plaques were inscribed in Latin, with Deo Vindice or God Will Vindicate. Clearly, there would be deep wounds for generations to come. Design Mart's Mike Fernandez is shown here explaining one of the plaques to a recent Elberton Granite Association class.

Build Your Own Laser Etching Scenes In Monument Designer 2.0

If you etch your own designs or have them etched for you this news is for you! For two years our Online Monument Designer has allowed users to export vector designs that can be opened in CAD systems for sandblast, without having to track down components or creating drawings that aren't what the customer had in mind. Now we've added the capability of exporting high resolution etching files for laser and impact etchers.

Components Make Our Art Unique

All of the etchings being uploaded to the Online Monument Designer have transparent backgrounds, which means that users may pull apart and customize etching scenes, like the one shown below.


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