
Viewing posts by Mike Fernandez

Date Strips - Tips and Tricks

Design Mart Will Be Closed Tomorrow For Good Friday

Design Mart will be closed Friday in observance of Good Friday. We hope you and your family have a special Easter weekend!

New Videos: Exporting & Cutting Your Work From The Online Monument Designer To MonuCad, Gerber, or Corel Draw

One of the features our users like best is the ability to create a color image and a CAD file by just clicking and dragging. No special CAD skills are required with our Online Monument Designer and Catalog. In our new tutorial videos, McKenzi will show you just how easy it is to take the color monument you created on your phone, iPad, tablet, laptop or PC and move it from the Cloud to your Gerber, MonuCad, or Corel Draw application. Sure, it's nice to have a color picture to make the sale. But with Design Mart's Online Designer the color picture is also a vector that can be used to cut stencil.

2018 Mailing Is On The Way

Keep your eyes open for a latest clip art brochure and sample of our Seasons Cherished brochure. Many people request copies of the clip art brochure after we've already mailed them all, so please don't trash it! It is a fantastic resource for ordering clip art, and it also shows the thousands of pieces of artwork available in the Online Monument Designer.

Dec.-Jan. Special: McNeel Collection

The McNeel book is normally $499.00, but through the end of January we're offering it at a special price of $299.00. With the arrival of February the price will return to $499.00, so don't miss your chance to have this electronic version of the 336-page book at your fingertips when it's time to search or browse for benches, ledgers, columns, wings, rare memorials, crosses, markers, statues, sundials, mausoleums, and more. To learn more please visit .


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